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that we are able to speed up the renewal process by 2-3 weeks meaning we have more time to conduct aggressive negotiations with carriers/vendors, build benefits administration platforms and ultimately improve the benefit implementation process for both Iroquois and their members. Our commitment to maximizing efficiencies during the renewal process through technology is a key differentiator between Meridian and our competitors. Here is how our process works; our CRM solution hosts all of Iroquois’s current plan and premium information. Once we have received quotes from the insurance carriers, we can upload the renewal and quoted information to our digital quoting platform and either view the financial analysis live or download the data into numerous illustrative formats. The ‘Live’ functionality means we can manipulate the data/information in real time to show our Iroquois how various plans compare side-by-side as well as how a change in contribution strategy will impact costs to both the employee and employer. This tool is vital in the renewal process as it can show the Iroquois management team the cost impact that various contribution strategies will have on the proposed plans and will assist in budget setting for the upcoming year(s). Once we have completed the quoting and plan decision making process for the upcoming year our tool prepopulates those decisions into multiple downloadable communication materials including our fully customized open enrollment guides. See Enclosure 2 for a sample. Therefore, we can move quickly from plan decisions making to open enrollment and ultimately implementation. Plan Benchmarking Plan benchmarking is a crucial component in attracting and retaining top employees and Meridian offers several best in class benchmarking resources to assist in short and long-term planning. Our benchmarking tools are primarily used to analyze how competitive the current benefit programs compare to other 17

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