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¨ Review and analyze prior wellness activities ¨ Coordinate vendor participation ¨ Data Analysis - review historical data, claims reports (if applicable), employee survey results to develop a wellness action plan targeting specific areas ¨ How does social media fit in to wellness? ¨ Review the wellness program – was it a success? Refine and re-launch if applicable ¨ Thousands of wellness related materials ¨ Consulting for on-site clinics and best practices In short, Meridian will take the lead in implementing and managing Iroquois’s wellness programs based on the goals set forth by the organization. Client Retention/Experience Client Retention Tom Clements’ client retention rate has been 98% for the past several years. The only clients that have ever left were due to M&A with larger entities, where those clients were not the controlling entity, due to incoming C-suite relationships or for a program that does not work with brokerage firms. Experience & Renewal Negotiations Meridian currently represents 20+ groups in the 25-99 health insurance market space in CT/NY. The small-medium sized business marketplace is one that Meridian has a significant amount of experience in servicing and negotiating renewals. We have longstanding relationships with the carriers and carrier representatives in this market space which allows us to more aggressively negotiate our client’s renewals. In addition, we average 20+ new clients annually out of our Fairfield & Pelham offices. Below are some examples of recent renewals in this space along with some innovative strategies we have initiated. Example 1 65 employee manufacturing firm – the most recent May 1, 2021 renewal started with a 18% requested increase from the carrier. Through a competitive RFP process, and negotiations, the group received a flat 0% renewal with no carrier or plan design changes. Over the course of the past 5 renewals the group has maintained the same carrier, same plan designs and have had a net increase over those 5 years of 8%. That is an average of 1.6% annually, compared to trend which is 8-12% annually. Example 2 75 employee manufacturing firm – most recent May 1, 2021 the carrier was requesting a 23% increase. Through a competitive RFP process, and negotiation, the group switched to a larger insurance carrier for a 7% increase and richer benefit plans (significantly lower out of pocket maximum and better Rx copays after the deductible). We also decreased their dental premiums by -15% and had a cumulative decrease of -10+% on their life and disability programs. Example 3 – Innovative Strategic Solution – Level-Funding 40 employee quasi-municipal entity in a level-funded plan – the most recent renewal 10/1/2020 the carrier requested a 14% increase. Through a no bid RFP process, as well as leveraging our actuarial software, the group received a flat renewal. Over the course of our 8-year relationship the group has 21

Meridian Risk Unbranded RFP - Page 20 Meridian Risk Unbranded RFP Page 19 Page 21