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In addition to the personnel responsible for the Iroquois account, Meridian runs a Customer Relationship Management tool that is built specifically for health and welfare brokers. Each interaction we have with Iroquois staff or members is tracked by our system, so in the event the assigned personnel are unavailable, any authorized staff member can locate and review the Iroquois account and work on any open tasks. The system includes task management and tracking functions, which will allow all Meridian team members to designate responsibilities for tasks and set timeframes for completion. This ensures that team members are accountable for specific tasks and sets expectations for completion. Our compensation structure is unique to the industry in that our consultants/advisors are paid on a salary basis and not 100% contingent upon revenue generation. This ensures unbiased recommendations, no conflicts of interest or misaligned incentives. For example, if a consultant is paid on a commission basis and the client receives an increase, then that means the consultant receives a pay rise. We do not believe in unjustified rewards, so our consultants are paid a salary that is reviewed periodically. As a firm, we are compensated in one of three ways; commission based payable from the insurance carriers, fee-based payable by the client or a hybrid of the two. We are 100% transparent, and only accept the carrier standard commissions when compensation is structured in that model. In addition, we do not accept any contingent bonuses or overrides. We detail our firm compensation structure in more detail, in the appropriate ‘Fees’ section. In short, we have no doubt that our experienced team coupled with our proprietary tools and resources would be an invaluable asset to the Iroquois’s employee benefit programs over the short and long-term. Scope of Services E. Scope of Services 1. Understanding the Scope of Services, please describe the following: i. Information that explains the firm’s ability to perform, implement and administer these services, emphasizing experience with other similarly sized companies. How many benefit plans do you administer for companies our size? How many new clients per year? ii. Describe your firms’ general approach, philosophy, capabilities and experience in providing advisory and advocacy services to establish goals, guidelines and objectives and the establishment and/or review of benefit options; and iii. Describe the benefit analysis approach that will be used to service the benefit plans, including explanation of methodologies employed. How often do you provide benefit plan performance reviews? iv. Describe the firms’ capabilities in providing benefit fee benchmarking analysis. v. Describe the standard reporting package Human Resources would receive. How often are such reports produced? Are reports available on request? vi. What can you offer us in the way of ease of administrations? Based upon the provided scope of services we have broken up our responses based upon certain areas including; RFP’s, vendor/program management, renewal process, open enrollment, plan benchmarking, communications, wellness and client retention/examples. 15

Meridian Risk Unbranded RFP - Page 14 Meridian Risk Unbranded RFP Page 13 Page 15